The Tantric Life

Curiosity got this cat….what is the tantric life all about?

I want to know all things contemporary; I came across the term “tantric” and had never heard of it until now. So in my quest to know all things tantric, I journeyed far and wide (well, through reading mostly) and came across some fascinating and informative literature.

The tantric history

The word derives from ancient Sanskrit and means “web” or “to weave energy”. Tantra has always had a wide range of meanings and teachings, with many divergent views on the subject. The word itself came into use when various Vedic traditions we now call Hinduism were dominant in India. An integral part of the groups were sutras, which are critical collections of compact principles. A sutra is a thread of thought or a particular line of thinking, and tantra the whole thought system.

Originally, sutras were maxims or collections of maxims, and tantras were holistic spiritual teachings that could only be transmitted directly from teacher to student. Although there were many tantra teachers with some diversity, there was some commonality to the teachings. These include:

  • direct relationship of teacher to student,
  • embodied mindfulness,
  • ritual as a means of deepening awareness,
  • rejection of arbitrary religious and cultural rules,
  • acceptance of all people,
  • a belief in the body and the sensual experiences of the body as part of the path to the divine.

In short, the tantric approach is really about building a spiritual connection, inviting you to live a fully embodied existence, living every moment spiritually in the celebration of life.

Tantra reborn

Contemporary tantra came into existence through inspiration from classical teachings of the tantric texts and western sexual mysticism, reformulating its thinking and incorporating energy, mindfulness and breathwork with spirituality.

In practice, the tantric life goes beyond both the sexual and spiritual and engages deeply meditative, spontaneous and intimate sex.

Getting to know your body

As you practice tantra, you become more physically and spiritually aware of your body, which gives it pleasure and the way it feels pleasure. Energy channelled during tantric sex flows throughout your body, resulting in an intensified orgasm.

Getting to know your partner’s body

Not only does tantra result in a higher state of mind-body consciousness, but it can also be about creating a deeper, more tuneful bond with your partner. When done correctly, you both learn to be physically aware whilst also being spiritually present. The energy created between the two of you transcends well after you have finished having sex.

Preparing your mind

As we have established that tantra is a spiritual practice, your mind is as essential as your body. It’s a deep connection of your body, mind and soul. It is necessary to have a clear mindset and a willingness to cast into the deep, leaving your comfort zone. Meditation is an effective tool in clearing your mind. A short recommended exercise includes meditating for 10 to 15 minutes, focusing on breathing exercises and followed by stretching. Some have also alluded to successful mind preparation through journaling for at least 30 minutes daily.

Setting is key

The tantric journey is a holistic approach and not limited to sex or achieving an orgasm. Every detail counts. Your setting directly impacts the state of your mind and your ability to relax and enjoy. Helpful tips for creating the perfect environment include regulating your temperature to a comfortable temperature, setting the mood with the perfect lighting (candles or tinted lights), using your favourite scent (should not be too overwhelming), soft furnishings like cushions or a blanket and also creating a romantic vibe with soft, sensual music.

The build-up

When you are on the path to self-discovery, you can work up to a solo play or decide not to go all the way. Helpful tips include meditation and a soft massage. If you choose to masturbate, your focus should not solely be about reaching an orgasm but on taking time to explore your body and know what gives you pleasure. Always be intentional about what you want to achieve from experience.

If you have a partner, always remember that tantra goes beyond sex. Foreplay can be anything you want it to be; make sure both of you are fully engaged. If you decide to have sex, go slowly and be open to creativity. The important thing is to be fully involved in the experience. Cuddling also allows for weaving and exchanging energies, resulting in a deeper connection.

If you want to achieve a holistic tantra experience, there are a lot of tools out there. One such recommendation is engaging a tantra teacher. The whole process is a journey worth taking.

Malika I Evans
Malika I Evans
Articles: 42

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