Hi and welcome to 82.5 FM FIXit, MIXit, MAKEit!
Thanks for joining me. I am Ife Simone Pibiri and today we will FIXit!
So, my mom was frustrated with my brother and I (ok…me) for destroying her good furniture and she refused to spend good money to just see it ruined. But she needed compactable space saving end tables. She found these affordable ones on Amazon and ordered them. When they arrived, she did not like them. She said they looked cheap and she could not use them. So, of course, I thought she was crazy and asked her if I could have them and take a whirl at it. She said yes. And that is just what I did. Now she wants them back. Mom’s …. what are we kids to do?

Equipment needed:
• Apron
• Drop cloth (this can be an old sheet that you can use over and over again for future projects)
• Sandpaper
• Old cloth for wiping off dust.
• Paint
• 2 paint brushes of different sizes
• Spray paint
• Varnish
• Helper (optional)
Step 1. Put on your apron so as not to ruin your clothes.
Step 2. Lay your drop cloth on the floor by the wall that you will be working on to catch any paint that may and will drop.
Step 3. Choose your colors and gather your materials.
Step 4. Hand Sand the surface of the top of the table to rid surface of old varnish or paint.
Step 5. Wipe surface clean of dust
Step 6. Apply your color to the top of table. I wanted a modern vintage look, so I had no rhyme or reason other than apply color until it felt right.
Step 7. Let paint dry.
Strep 8. While paint is drying on the top. Spray-paint the metal bottom (spray paint it simply just AWESOME!).
Step 9. Return to your tabletop and sand some of the color off in random places to obtain your vintage look.
Step 10. Wipe surface clean of dust.
Step 11. Apply your varnish and topcoat.
Step 12. Let varnish dry.
Step 13. Clean up. Because as my mom says…. No job is complete until cleanup has been had.
Step 14. E’ Voilà!! Table re-vamp is complete and amazing if I don’t say so myself.
Very clever with a beautiful result! I also like seeing that sibling teamwork in action! 🥰