Self Care Tips

Married, single, or it’s complicated, Happiness must be found from within

Self-care checklist.

We always think we have life figured out, and we know where we are going and what we want in life. We have this big picture of who we want to be with, who we want to love and spend the rest of our lives with. Sometimes we even manage to find someone we want to be with and take steps to go through the journey with and find ourselves stuck, unhappy, in a rut. Things are just not working no matter what you do. Or you keep finding yourself single or in complicated relationships, and nothing is sticking. It’s so easy to get lost, lose yourself trying to discover Happiness through someone else, trying to please someone else, always fitting yourself as a piece in someone else’s puzzle, you end up not recognizing the person in the mirror.

How can you tell you are unhappy?

I found myself here, where life had become bland, and I just lost my passion, my drive, my smile. Investing all your energy into a relationship and having so many expectations on the returns can lead you to disappointment.

When you find that nothing excites you anymore, the days begin, and already they are a drag. You no longer hang out with your friends or do things that make you happy, then you know there is a problem. Sometimes even taking care of yourself physically becomes a chore; you stop all the grooming things you used to do and don’t care how you look anymore. Then you are putting all your energies in all the wrong places.

How to light that spark in you again

In some cases, the relationship might not be the problem; the issue might be that you have forgotten yourself. When you have lost yourself, no relationship will work because your cup is empty, and you have nothing left to give. You need to recharge and refill your cup. Find Happiness again for you and not for anyone else, and you will shine even brighter. You will see what difference it will make. It’s time to find your Eat Pray Love moment.

5 Self-care tips

Your body

I know this is something we keep hearing lately, and it sounds like it is a broken record. But you can’t be happy within when your body is screaming for help. Scientists have even established that eating right and exercise does wonders for you and your mind. You can never feel happy when your body is sluggish, and your brain is just a fog. Exercise helps release chemicals in your brain, dopamine and serotonin, and you will find your mood shifts. You have more energy to focus on yourself and even fight against depression. Certain fruits and foods also help you feel more like yourself.

Avoid social media binges.

This might sound a bit out there, but we put a lot of pressure on ourselves with social media. People post what they want you to see happy relationships, weddings etc. This leaves you feeling empty and like a failure. Sometimes it’s better to unplug from the world and focus on yourself. We set unrealistic goals because we think we need to be like someone else. Your Happiness comes from you, and what works for another person will not necessarily work for you. So let’s do you.

Get away for a bit

Taking some time away can do wonders for your perspective and how you feel. Being in a strained environment with fights and the constant feeling of gloom make it hard to find your Happiness. Go somewhere you have always wanted to go, try something new or something you have dreamed of doing. If you are in a cold place, go somewhere sunny. The sun can do wonders for you. A tropical island or a place with gorgeous views and clean, fresh air can help you clear your mind and show you again the beauty of the world and life.

Date yourself

Sometimes we put a lot of pressure on other people to entertain us and do stuff with us when we need to learn to enjoy our own company. No one knows what you like more than you. It’s also ok to be alone sometimes. Have a dance session on your own to your favourite song, go out and eat food you love or stay home and watch some feel-good movies that make you laugh and cry.

Purge and Declutter your life

Sometimes we find we have a lot of negative energy in our lives and occasionally stagnant things. If something isn’t working, there is no reason to keep it around. We hold on to friendships that don’t build us, that tear us down. Sometimes you have jealous friends who want to ruin your relationships. Sometimes we are with a partner who sucks us dry. Don’t do that to yourself. Letting go is difficult, I’ll admit that, but if that is what you need to do to rebuild yourself and find Happiness, then go for it. Spring clean your life like you do your closest.

You only get this one life. And yes, it is incredible to find someone to love and share life with, but that will not happen unless you are happy yourself. You can’t rely on someone else to make you happy; they will disappoint you. Count on you for Happiness. Love follows your Happiness. And once you are happy within then, the rest will fall in place.

Malika I Evans
Malika I Evans
Articles: 42

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