Sardinian Bread

Bread is an Italian staple, and it’s enjoyed at every meal, every day. Sardinia is no different, but let’s say it out loud, not all bread is the same. In Sardinia, expect some of the most delicious types of bread in the country.

Of course, you can’t talk about Sardinian bread without mentioning the Pane Carasau, a crackly flatbread going back thousands of years on the island. This specialty was created to give Sardinian shepherds a convenient, durable and long-lived snack to take on their long journeys through the island’s countryside. People could simply eat the bread with goat’s cheese for a quick-and-easy meal packed with energy. The bread is also known as ‘Carta da musica’ or music sheet for its thin, paper-like texture.

There’s more than one bread in Sardinia, though. The immensely satisfying Moddizzosu bread is a round, sourdough made with semolina flour and baked in wood-fired ovens. It is smoky and is often flavored with local herbs.

The Civraxiu is Sardinia’s everyday white bread. The round loaves are often fluffy and have a crunchy crust. This is what you’ll find in every other table to dip in olive oil and pair with local cheese. It’s bread done right, and it has excellent versatility.

Not all Sardinian loaves of bread are simple; the pane frattau is Sardinia’s version of pizza — Day-old flatbread dipped in broth and topped with tomato sauce and grated pecorino. A traditional poached egg elevates the colorful dish to perfection, but it’s optional. Either way, pane frattau is one of those dishes that taste like Italy, and you know you could enjoy it every day. It’s that good.

All Sardinian bread is delicious! So, if you can try them all, do so. You never knew bread could be that good.

Malika I Evans
Malika I Evans
Articles: 42

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