Malik Francesco Pibiri
Hi, I’m Malik. I’m 11 years old. I like sports, video games and just about anything in between. I am extremely curious. Sometimes… ok, a lot, I get these questions in my head that I just need to find an answer for.
Often when I ask my friends, they do not know the answers either, so we go in search together. Answering the questions helps me feel good, more open, fuller. I think broader and feel stronger in mind.
I think it is important to fill my noggin with knowledge, laughter and the sometimes wacky that the world has to offer. In this blog I will share the answers I have unearthed.
If you have any questions that you want answered please send them to me in the comment box below and together, we will uncover the secrets of the world. Have a wonderful day and keep exploring.
You can also check out my vlog on YouTube called MSM