Lemon juice and Amla conditioning mask is an excellent remedy for those suffering from hair loss and week hair problems. These natural fruits are rich in vitamin c and offer plenty of benefits to your scalp and hair. They not only make your hair strong but help in giving it volume shine and smoothness. Let’s find out the use of each natural ingredient, DIY mask preparation, and its application method.
Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is full of hair benefits. It is an edible fruit rich in vitamin c and antioxidant properties. Some have gone so far as to call it the miracle cure for hair. I don’t know about that, but it has been proven to help in stimulating hair growth as well as the improve the quality of your hair. Moreover, the fruit contains calcium that improves the volume of hairs and strengthens your hair follicles. You can use an amla mask and directly apply it to your hair, or if your lucky enough to live where it grows or have a local grocer that supplies it, make it a part of your regular diet, as it purifies the blood and maintains your hair coloration. Alma also prevents premature graying of hair. Vitamin C in amla improves scalp health and prevents bacteria or fungal infections.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. This natural ingredient is awesome for the health of hairs. It helps in retaining the shine of the hair as well as adds strength to hair follicles. Moreover, it is a good remedy for those suffering from dandruff issues. Applying lemon juice with other ingredients like amla help in curing lemon. Lemon also helps boost collagen growth in the scalp, thus strengthening the hair follicles and improving the growth of hairs. It is a good source for oily hairs. It nourishes the hair and helps in improving volume. The citric acid in the lemon helps in removing buildup and debris from your hair and makes your hair shiny. You can say it gets to the root of the problem because this fruit nourishes your scalp, strengthens the roots, and makes your hairs strong.
Ingredients of a conditioning mask
If you think you have dry, fizzy, and volume free hairs, then this conditioning mask made with amla powder and lemon juice is the great natural remedy. To prepare the mask, you need:
- 2 to 3 tbsp of amla powder
- One tablespoon of lemon juice
Mix the ingredients in a plastic bowl to make a smooth paste. Make sure there are no lumps in the mixture.
How to apply?
For the best results, apply the paste to your scalp and thoroughly massage into your hair for about 5 min. Leave it for another 10 to 15 minutes.
Now rinse with cold water and shampoo with a low sulfate content.
You will observe immediate results, you will shiny hairs, and after frequent use of this conditioning mask, you will observe healthy hairs and improved hair volume. Your hair will love you and you will love your hair! Making this paste a regular part of your routine will give your hair immense happiness.
How often to use this mask?
As we know, excessive t use of everything can be dangerous. The same can be said for this paste. Although it is made from pure, natural ingredients you still must be careful. It is ok to apply once or twice or a week. Continue until you get effective results.
Do not use it daily. It is because lemon has citric acid that causes hair lightning and may cause grey hairs. When you apply the mask to your hair, avoid exposure to sunlight because it releases radicals and causes hair lightning. Thus, use caution when the paste is in your hair.
Do not apply too much. Keep quantity moderate and apply in a thin layer. Try to leave a gap of two or three days between two applications.
Final Thoughts
Amla and lemon juice combinations are great to treat hair problems. If you have a hair loss problem, fizzy hair, or little hair volume, this conditioning mask is the good solution. Moreover, if your hair is suffering from a fungal infection in the form of dandruff, then this hair paste will give you immediate relief. So, to rid yourself of ugly looking oily, fizzy hairs, start using this natural ingredient mask. You will see wonderful results and have beautiful healthy hair that everyone will admire.