Chemical treatments, coloring, heat exposure, and poor hair grooming methods lead to dry, frizzy, brittle, or damaged hairs. In such cases, simply shampooing and conditioning doesn’t work. Your hairs need some additional attention. I have just the natural hair treatment you need to give your hair strength and nurture your hairs back to health. Try incorporating ECCO Pre-poo Protein Nutrient Hair Growth Stimulator into your daily routine. By using a certain ratio of beneficial oils with egg this pre-poo can add life and moisture to your hairs. As a pre-shampoo treatment for your hairs, ECCO Pre-Poo is a wonderful remedy to make your hair strong and healthy again.
ECCO Pre-Poo is made of natural ingredients that can be found easily in most grocery stores, farms and fields around the world making it an easy and affordable addition to your hair routine. The ingredients and their benefits are explained below.
Eggs contain over 20 vital nutrients important to hair care. eggs are an excellent source to nourish your hairs. They are high in protein, rich in biotin, vitamin, and minerals. Egg yolks are extremely nutrient-dense and come packed with biotin, vitamins E, D, A, K, folate, and lecithin. Egg white contains calcium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorous and potassium. Eggs gives your hairs strength and prevent hair breakage. Eggs add luster, replenish proteins, conditions, tame frizz, balances scalp sebum, and enhances hair growth.

Castor oil
Castor oil is a is a nutrient-rich vegetable oil that comes from castor beans. It is a thick oil and is valuable in pre-poo treatments. Castor oil is anti-inflammatory, increases gloss and shine of the hair, increases hair shaft flexibility by coating the hair. Regularly, applying fats like castor oil to the hair helps lubricate the hair shaft, increasing flexibility and decreasing the chance of breakage.
In addition to providing antimicrobial properties, it is great on scalps with weak follicles. By improving follicle growth, Caster oil helps in the development of new hairs thus assisting with getting rid of baldness. A person suffering from abrupt hair loss must use this oil.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is a good source for vitamin A, E, D, and iron which all help to grow hair faster. It is a rich source of natural medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). It is especially high in lauric acid with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that are very nourishing to the body and help in the nourishment of the scalp and prevention of the growth of dandruff. Coconut oil’s properties allow it to penetrate hair in ways that other oils are not able to. It helps in eliminating split ends as well as gives luster to your hairs. It’s important to use extra virgin coconut oil because it doesn’t contain bleach or other chemicals that some other formulas contain and that could irritate the scalp. Coconut oil can tend to dry out naturally curly hair but when used sparingly and correctly in a Pre-Poo it can yield amazing results that help to soften and condition hair, add shine and stimulate hair growth.

Olive oil
Olive Oil is a wonderful natural oil that is extracted from olives. When using on your hair you should use extra virgin olive oil, it has been subjected to zero processing and has no additives. It also contains only 1% of Oleic Acid and can retain all its antioxidants. Olive oil consists of monounsaturated fatty acids which help in strengthening the roots and the tips of the hair. Known for its wondrous properties’ olive oil nourishes your hair by giving them shine and strength. Since olive oil is an incredibly good source of antioxidants, it is great in promoting scalp health. Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce scalp irritation. It penetrates the hair shaft and moisturizing them making it a conditioning source that gives new life to hair. The shine said to come from olive oil is attributed to the oil smoothing the outer cuticle of the hair. Incorporating olive oil into your haircare regimen can seal moisture into the hair fiber, which helps with elasticity and results in less breakage.

Ingredients to make ECCO Pre-Poo:
- 1 egg
- Two tablespoon olive oil
- Two tablespoon coconut oil
- One tablespoon castor oil
Properly beat the egg and add all three oils to it. Mix well and apply the mixture in your hairs,
Method to pre-poo your hairs.
It is amazingly easy to pre-poo your hair. With just a few minutes a week, you will give new life to your hair. Follow the steps given below.
- Section hair
Divide your hairs into 4 to 8 sections depending on the length and volume of your hairs. Now take the ECCO Pre-Poo stimulator and start applying on each strand. Apply with your fingertips or use a hair dye brush to evenly apply the ECCO Pre-Poo. Start from roots in your scalp, so the Pre-Poo can stimulate your follicles and evenly distribute to your ends. - Detangle hair
Spread the pre-poo evenly by using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb. Detangle all sections and distribute the stimulator so that each hair is covered and able to soak in the nutrients of the stimulator.
Let sit the pre-poo for 30 minutes or until the egg dries. You will feel the hardening of your hair. You can even keep it overnight or for several hours. The more you keep more it will be beneficial for your hairs. - Wash hair
Wash with a mild shampoo, rinse with cold water and apply conditioner with natural ingredients.
How often should you apply the product?
ECCO Pre-Poo can be applied up to three to four times a week; especially if your hairs are very damaged and you are experiencing severe hair loss. For less difficult situations, application 1 to 2 times a week is sufficient. You can add a gap between your ECCO Pre-Poo application as soon as you start observing positive changes in your hair health.
Final verdict
ECCO Pre-poo Protein Nutrient Hair Growth Stimulator treatment is a wonderful therapy for your hair. To nourish your hair naturally, apply ECCO Pre-poo once a week before you shampoo your hair. Used regularly, within a few weeks, you will observe your dull, damaged hair transform itself into healthy locks. There will be a reduction in hair loss and your hairs will have wonderful shine and strength as well as length.