The importance of etiquette…raising well mannered, polite children.

Etiquette seems like an outdated concept, and maybe many may feel that it is no longer necessary to focus their energies on teaching their children etiquette. But this is a wrong misconception. Manners never go out of fashion and, when looking at the world right not, maybe more manners would go a long way because we need them to rebuild a society that had broken down. Of course, the teaching can evolve with the times, but instilling good manners in your child can impact how they see the world, interact with people and contribute as they walk their journey. There is nothing as distasteful as an adult with bad manners.

What is etiquette?
Etiquette has been around for centuries, even though it started as something that separated society from those well off with those seen as lesser. Over time this culture has evolved and will probably keep growing as communities change. But in every culture, it is expected for parents to teach their children guidelines to behave, what is acceptable and what is not permitted. Etiquette teaches us as human being how to treat others in our homes and when we are out in the world.

The benefits of teaching your children manners?
Teaching children manners can seem tedious and monotonous, and repetitive because, of course, they are learning from scratch. You will also meet some resistance and children can be very forgetful. But as a parent, you need to hang in there and be steadfast. Teaching children to be well mannered and polite will serve them well when they grow up. This is how:

  1. They will be secure no matter where they go. No one will ever want to start trouble with a well-mannered person. They will not be drawn into unnecessary fight or arguments, and they know when to step back and walk away.
  2. They will grow up being considerate of other people’s feelings.
  3. They will find it easier to communicate with others as it opens more doors and helps them be more pleasant and less of a hermit.
  4. It teaches them professionalism, and they will go a long way in their career choice.
  5. Manners will always make an excellent first impression, so they will not be dismissed easily.
    Manners your children should know.
    There is a whole book on etiquettes. And something’s children will learn as they grow. But as parents there are some must teach manners that should start at home. These are;
    • Please and thank you are the standards. These we teach as the first words; they teach your child to be considerate and appreciative.
    • Looking people in the eye is a sign of respect when you are speaking to them.
    • Saying sorry, this one is always a sore spot, and people think it’s a sign of weakness, but it is important to say sorry when you hurt someone.
    • If you bump into a person or about to infringe on their space, you must say, ‘excuse me.’ Also, an excellent way to start a conversation
    • Sharing is caring; teaching your child to share will show them to be grateful for what they have and to care for others.
    • Asking for permission before doing something can prevent them from getting into trouble later.
    • Always knock before going into a closed-door, teaches them boundaries.
    • Always say thank you for gifts; showing appreciation goes a long way.
    • Cover your mouth when sneezing, coughing, and yawning and no picking your nose in public. Also, chew with your mouth closed when eating.
    • Do not jump into a conversation that grown-ups have or interrupt them; wait for the exchange to end unless it is a real emergency.
    The list of manners that children should know is extensive but necessary. This will avoid them embarrassing you in public and also for them to grow up knowing the right way to behave and not become brats that terrorize society. Some institutions have dedicated themselves to teaching children etiquette.

Here is a list of some Etiquette schools in the US:

  1. Beaumont Etiquette ( New York)
  2. Swann school of protocol (Carlsbad, California)
  3. The Etiquette Institution of Washington (Washington, DC)
  4. The American School of Protocol (Atlanta, GA)
  5. Etiquette School of New York (New York)
  6. Berkshire School of Etiquette (West Hartford, Connecticut)
  7. Charleston School of Protocol ( Charleston, SC)
  8. In Good Company Etiquette Academy & Finishing School (Maryland, Illinois, Texas, Iowa, South Carolina and Colorado
    Parents must never give up on their children’s manner. If they are struggling, some people can help. Try them out.
Malika I Evans
Malika I Evans
Articles: 42

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